It’s wet enough to bog a duck at GlenAire. Well most certainly a 4WD farm ute!

Wet weather means we have the helicopter in to spread fertiliser as it’s too wet to spread by tractor.

This hopper is full of fertiliser ready to be spread on our lambing paddocks to make the grass grow for our soon-to-be-mums. All the mums on the hill have been scanned pregnant with twins.

We’ve also had the team putting more prospective mums through the scanning booth to check whether they are pregnant. Most of these mums will have at least two lambs and will be given the best grass.

They get priority over ewes with one lamb, or no lambs as they require a great source of protein to support two babies.

Our pups are growing up so fast. This little guy “Louie” is just starting out. The first step to becoming a serious working dog is hanging around the sheep yards and getting the feel of things.
Working dogs are such an important part of running the farm. We value our dogs greatly, like Muesli here who is working these ewes for us.

And, as always, despite it being wet and cold, our furry friends are still hanging around the farm, eating yet another main course of gum leaves!